A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking

Steps to making a new significant theory. 

  1. Learn the prerequisite skills like math, the humanities, and the current theories in your chosen field.
  2. Decide that everyone who has taught and learned your field in the past is wrong and that you can find the correct solution. 
  3. Put in immense time struggling to work out your theory.
  4. Figure out a way to prove your theory is true and actually do it.
  5. Have everyone tell you your wrong and the old theory is right no matter how convincing your evidence is. This involves excommunication, deportation,and house arrest.
  6. Once people start to come around to your ideas being right, face multiple other scientists in your field who claim to have made the same discovery before you but didn’t get around to telling anyone.
  7. Once the smoke has cleared and you are appropriately recognized. Live out the rest of your life collecting awards and enjoying tenure at Princeton.

These people must be the best dinner party guests and the absolute worst roommates. They would entertain for hours on the backward state of current science and the flaws in our publishing hierarchies. They could give antidote after antidote of dumb things their supervisor would say even though most of the logic would go over everyone’s head. Then when you are sick of hearing them talk, it is the end of the night and they are obligated to leave. 

But to live with these monsters would be the worst. How can they take the smallest amount of time to worry about hygiene or cleanliness when they have the literal fabric of space and time to consider? Why would you think they would respect your wish not to eat all your food if they don’t respect the work of all the great thinkers before them? What favor would be too much to ask if it helped them just a little toward their goals of rewriting our understanding of time and space.

I learned from this book that science thinks it is right until a better idea comes along and that THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A BETTER IDEA. I can not stop my face from visibly grimacing when an “expert” arrogantly proclaims that current science agrees with them so therefore they are right.

If you understand relativity, I am sorry I just called you a monster. Also, I have a few questions. Message me so we can chat.

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